Study in Malta

Recently, Malta has become one of the famous countries for international students because of its location which is at the center of the Mediterranean Sea, cost-effective study and access to Schengen visa. The country recorded fastest yearly growth rate in 2018 for strength of international students beating other leading destinations like UK, USA, Australia, etc. With a blend of tradition and innovation, Malta provides high quality education.

Why Study in Malta?

Malta is one of the cost-effective study destinations in the world. The country is bilingual where English is an official language. Studying in Malta provides students with the access to Schengen visa with which students can travel in 27 European nations such as Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Italy, Spain, etc. Malta is a haven for sports and outdoor enthusiasts. The climate and nature of the island is perfect for sports and outdoor activities like hiking, paragliding, diving, water sports, etc. Hence, the country is the best option not only for its high-quality education but also for its extracurricular activities.

Cost of Studying in Malta

Types of ExpensesAnnual Expenses in €
Annual tuition fees (indicative)35000
Living and Accommodation (indicative)5393
Application Fees (indicative)350
Air Fare (indicative)353
Total Expenses41096

Careers & Industry Insights

Malta is ranked as one of the fastest growing economics in the European Union. The country’s economy is highly industrialized, and service based. Malta has ample of work opportunities. Students can work part time for 20 hours per week while studying in Malta. Malta’s economy is diverse but specific industries stand out for offering abundant part-time opportunities to students which include sectors like tourism and hospitality, iGaming industry, social media management and many more.